Visiting PhD Fellow

This can, in particular, include collaboration on research projects with Nordita academic staff and participation in Nordita Scientific Programs in areas of interest to the students, but should also be viewed as an opportunity to broaden their general knowledge and to interact with researchers working in diverse areas of modern theoretical physics. Visiting PhD fellows may also be interested in taking PhD-level courses offered at the Universities in Stockholm area.

Visiting PhD fellows may also be interested in taking PhD-level courses offered at the Universities in Stockholm area.

Duration and Starting Dates

A visiting PhD fellowship will be awarded for a period of up to three months, providing accommodation and travel to and from Stockholm, but no salary or per diem.

Starting dates for stays at Nordita are flexible.


A visiting PhD fellow must be registered as a PhD student in theoretical physics or a related subject.


A visiting PhD fellow must have a local host, normally one of the Nordita faculty, who takes on a mentorship role during PhD fellow's stay at Nordita. Before an application is submitted, the host and the prospective PhD fellow should agree on the research plan along with the duration and dates of the visit.


An application for visiting PhD fellowship is submitted by the Nordita host via email to, and should contain the following data:

  • name and e-mail of the applicant
  • their home institution
  • start date and topic of their PhD thesis
  • name and e-mail of thesis advisor
  • a letter of recommendation from a referee familiar with the applicant, e.g. from their PhD advisor
  • applicant's CV
  • short (no more than one page) description of prospective research activities at Nordita
  • letter of motivation written by the Nordita host

Applications may be submitted any time and will be evaluated twice a year, with the deadlines on the 15th of June and the 1st of December.

Further Information

If you have any questions, or need help in selecting a local host, feel free to contact one of the coordinators at