Nordita Day 2024
Author: Nordita Admin
Date published: 2024-09-27

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Each year Nordita celebrates the day of the institute with a mix of social and academic activities. Traditionally the day starts out with a group activity in the morning, followed by an afternoon of scientific talks, and ends with a social dinner where family is also invited. Some of us nostalgically remember the times when Nordita was located in the yellow buildings on Roslagstullsbacken, and the evening was spent barbequing on the lawn between the buildings.

This year we kicked off the day playing badminton at the Frescati campus. It was a great workout – fun and invigorating - leaving us feel refreshed and energised for the rest of the day to come.

Afterwards, the word went to the new director who has been asked to have a scientific talk for the researchers. His presentation offered an interesting glimpse into the work being done at Nordita and inspired the discussions that followed.

The afternoon was a bit different than usual as we had invited a special guest speaker, Anna Adeniji from Inclusion Academy. This is a part of Nordita’s ongoing important commitment to promoting Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in the workplace. Anna held a two-hour workshop on the topic of “How to be a good leader in a scientific environment”. An interesting topic that engaged and left us eager to learn more.

The day concluded perfectly with an amazing dinner in the cozy atmosphere of restaurant Proviant. We rounded off the evening with dessert back at the premises of Nordita. A game of Pictionary brought a lot of smiles and a winning team.

Nordita employees watching the EDI presentation Nordita Employees at the social dinner People getting food from the buffet table The winners of the Pictionary game smiling