Directions to Biz Apartment Hammarby Sjöstad

From Stockholm Central Station to Biz Apartment Hammarby Sjöstad

Take the subway , green line, towards Hagsätra/Farsta Strand/Skarpnäck for 5 stops and then get off at Gullmarsplan. You will then need to change to the "Tvärbanan" towards Sickla for 2 more stops. Get off at Luma stop and walk towards Hammarby allé for about 1 minute. Turn right onto Maltgatan and then left towards Heliosgången. Biz apartment will be on the right.

From Biz Apartment Hammarby Sjöstad to Nordita

Take the "tvärbanan" From Luma station located 5 minutes from Biz Apartment Hammarby Sjöstad towards Solna station. Get off at Gullmasplan and take the train towards Hässelby Strand, Åkeshov or Alvik. After 8 stops you get off at Odenplan. From Odenplan you can take bus 61 towards Ruddammen for 7 stops and get off at the end stop. Nordita is located behind the main Albanova building.